Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Milk Does a Body Good

Just some super cute pictures of Sofia. Such a proud girl as she learns to master the art of walking!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Though Sofia is only 1/8 Irish it is still fun to celebrate her heritage with her! She has been so sick the last couple days, but woke up so happy today. Its almost like she is relieved that she is feeling better. We've never seen her so sick (though it is much less sick then other babies I've seen). Her bright and cheerful spirit never faded through any of it though. She was more sad that she was too weak to walk or play. She just snuggled with her mommy and daddy and ate Cheerios! She was such a trooper and i think we're through the worst of it.

She is an amazing walker now..walking all around the house. We had to do some rearranging so she could go more places. She talks all the time, almost having complete conversations with us. She has a very large vocabulary for a 14 month old, for which we are very proud! She still has a big passion for animals and now knows all the sounds (video will be posted later).

Its going to be a father Daugherty weekend this weekend, then she'll be off to her Pop Pop and Nonna's for a couple days. Sofia is such a big girl and such a great traveler.